Spring is in the air....
Here at Pen y Bryn Farm and holiday cottages we are so lucky to have front row seats to the most amazing show on earth every day of the year!
As each new day unfolds our farm becomes a flurry of activity with all the flora and fauna springing to life!
Right now it's spring time at Pen y Bryn and not only are we are getting busier with our human visitors staying at our cottages and enjoying the beauty of the local coast and country but we are also lucky to be host to some amazing wildlife who visit us to nest in the spring and raise their babies here before the cold winter weather comes. Some native wildlife even make their full time home here at Pen y Bryn.
Many frogs, toads and newts can be found around our wetlands and pond areas along with many species of birds including the Canada Geese who visit our wildlife ponds each year and are currently nesting on the island. Its such a joy to watch the babies grow and a privilege that they come back to us, year after year.
The ducks, Coots and Moorhens are all making nests in the Bull-rushes and banks, we even have a moorhen nesting in the barge on the duck pond in the farmhouse garden. The fields are full of newborn lambs skipping and bleating in the sunshine. Many pheasants, rabbits and squirrels can be seen running around to the tune of birdsong.
Our #HoneyBees and all the other pollinators on the farm are working hard in between the #Spring showers to get around the many flowers, wildflowers, trees and plants we have around the Farm. Each of our 4 cottages are named after flowers that can be seen in bloom around the farm at this time of year #Primrose #Bluebell #Lavender #Heather.
The very talented staff at North Wales Stoves have supplied us with some brand new beautiful wooden picnic benches this year and these are located around the the farm in popular spots so our guests can sit out and enjoy the show with a picnic.
Prices and availability can be found on our website www.holiday-cottages-north-wales.co.uk Or contact Michelle on 07557 878463 or penybryncottages@gmail.com